告别微软账户!Win11本地账户登录设置教程 (Say goodbye to your Microsoft account! Win11 local account login setup tutorial)

本视频为您提供详细的指导,教您如何在Windows 11系统中将登录方式从微软在线账户切换到本地账户。只需几个简单的步骤,您就可以轻松实现账户切换,从而更好地保护您的隐私并简化登录过程。按照视频操作,轻松完成设置。

This video provides you with detailed instructions on how to switch your login from your Microsoft online account to your local account in Windows 11. With just a few simple steps, you can easily switch accounts to better protect your privacy and simplify the login process. Follow the video instructions to easily complete the setup.

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